Drag and Drop File Uploads

You can upload a file in two ways. In addition to using the upload process to select a file from your computer, you can also drag and drop it into the Resources section, or a content page of your project.

Drag and Drop to a Content Page

If you’re uploading to a content page, you don’t need to be in edit mode to drag and drop the file. Just drag it from your operating system and drop it over the content area. Jumpchart will automatically place append it to the bottom of the page you’re editing and it will also show up in the Resources section for the project. You can drop multiple files at the same time.

Drag and Drop to the Resources Section

Drag your file over the Resources section, and Jumpchart will prompt you through the next steps of giving the file a name, and asking if you’d like to notify any team members (and which ones) that a new file has been uploaded. Click “Add Resource File” and you’re done.